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RVS Policies

RVS is a District Online School.   As of July 2023, you must live in Richmond in order to take a course with Richmond Virtual School.  Please feel welcome to contact our office if you have questions about this policy.  Dance, Theatre and Oval program students from both in and outside of Richmond are welcome to apply!

At RVS, we believe that appropriate conduct is a shared responsibility among students, parents, staff, and the school system. We believe that school should be a safe place for learning and that students’ attitude, behavior and dress should be appropriate for this educational environment and reflect generally accepted community standards. See District Code of Conduct below

Face-to-Face Meetings are a key to success in RVS!  Required tests, quizzes, and learning events occur during Face-to-Face meetings.  The work rate is rapid so missing class time puts you behind very quickly. If you must miss a meeting for any reason, it is your responsibility to account to the teacher for your absence.

It is expected that you will be on time for all Face-to-Face meetings. While it is recognized that on rare occasions lateness is unavoidable, you must be in class at the scheduled time, otherwise you are a distraction to fellow students and your teacher. Teachers will provide consequences for students who arrive late.

Students are not to display offensive words, slogans or references to alcohol or drugs on their clothing, nor should clothing distract others from learning. Common sense should dictate the appropriateness of your dress.

Textbook deposits are typically $100 per book. Take good care of your textbook, as future students will use them again. When you are required to return textbooks at the end of each course, your textbook deposit will be refunded unless there is damaged or lost textbooks.

Students found in possession of or under the influence of drugs and or alcohol at school or school related activities would be dealt with firmly by the school and the Richmond School District. Possession of drugs or alcohol is a criminal offence and the RCMP will be involved.

Smoking is a serious health hazard and students are not permitted to smoke anywhere on school property. Smoking is not permitted in or around schools in B.C. Consequences for smoking on school property will include parental contact and possible suspension.

We are proud of our caring community at RVS, where all people have the right to work and learn in a safe environment at school and online. Bullying, harassment, intimidation or fighting will not be tolerated. The consequence for these behaviours will include parental involvement and suspension.

The best defense against acts of theft is to not bring valuable items to school. Protect your belongings and do not leave money or other valuables in an unattended bag, locker or changing room. Students involved in theft will face serious consequences, including parental and RCMP involvement.
Protect your valuables! Leave valuables at home!

For safety reasons, RVS-Palmer School and surrounding grounds are reserved for students and staff on school days and during school functions. Unauthorized visitors are not welcome. Visitors must report to the office.

We believe that every student has the responsibility to participate actively in his or her own learning. When faced with problems to solve or assignments to complete, it is the thinking and the effort a student puts into researching, reading, writing and re-writing that allows one to truly learn.
Part of writing responsibly is neither purposely nor accidentally misleading people into thinking someone else’s writing is your own. If you do, you may be guilty of plagiarism – the act of presenting someone else’s ideas (including Artificial Intelligence) as your own.
In word for word plagiarism, a researcher says basically the same thing as an original source without giving the necessary credit. Paraphrase plagiarism occurs when a researcher says basically the same thing as an original source (including AI) with just a few words changed. In spot or patchwork plagiarism, a researcher uses only a source’s key words or phrases without giving credit. Lazy plagiarism is the result of sloppy and inadequate footnoting or page references or the use of quotes from other sources as if they were from your own research.
Similarly, submitting the work of another student, tutor, parent, friend, etc. as your own work (even though it has been properly footnoted and referenced) is plagiarism and not acceptable at school. This applies equally to written work and projects (ie. Web design, tech projects, artwork, and photos). No one should write, re-write or significantly edit large sections of work for a student.
It is the student’s responsibility to avoid deliberate or accidental plagiarism and to verify and account for all of his/her own writing.
If at anytime a student is unsure how to properly reference or present written work, check with your teacher for proper reference protocol.

Cheating is a broad term that encompasses any and all attempts by a student to dishonestly or unfairly give, use or obtain any information or material for a school test or assignment. Any and all of these examples are considered to be cheating:

  • Copying another person’s work (or AI) and claiming or misrepresenting authorship. This includes essays, assignments, homework, lab reports, computer programs, drawings, sketches, designs and video or audiotapes and all other assigned work, whether they are the product of another student or of someone outside the school, including previously published work.
  • Supplying information or work of any kind to another student with the knowledge that it may be copied or used, even if that knowledge includes an expectation that the copy will be changed enough to conceal the fact that it is a copy.
  • Copying from another person’s test paper or knowingly allowing another student to copy from your test paper.
  • Bringing or using unauthorized notes or equipment in a test (including electronic translators, programmable calculators, computers, cell phones, iPods, etc.)
  • Unauthorized communication of any kind during a test or exam.
  • Being falsely absent from a test or class assignment and then consulting one or more classmates before making up the assignment or test.
  • Copying the work of another student who took the same course/exam prior to the student in question.
  • Missing a test or an assignment without a valid reason or justifying the reason under false pretenses (forged note or phone call.)

The Richmond School District Code of Conduct (Policy 502.1.1) applies to both students and adults in all schools. It states:
“The Board of School Trustees recognizes its obligation to all members of the school community to provide a positive climate and safe, healthy schools such that effective, purposeful teaching and learning may take place. To that end it is expected that all members of the school community will conduct themselves in an ethical and lawful manner that demonstrates respect for self, others, property and the environment. A violation may warrant intervention or disciplinary action.”
It is expected that all members of the school community (staff, students, parents and guests) will:

  1. Respect the rights of others;
  2. Respect the health and safety of others;
  3. Respect the property of others – private and public;
  4. Respect the legitimate authority of the school administrative officers and staff;
  5. Respect and take pride in the school’s physical facilities;
  6. Respect the diversity of the school community;
  7. Respect the non smoking nature of district schools and property;
  8. Respect the individual rules within each school;
  9. Behave in an ethical and lawful manner;
  10. Behave in a considerate and courteous manner;
  11. Behave in a safe and responsible manner at all times
  12. Not threaten, harass, intimidate or assault in any way, any person within the school community;
  13. Not be in possession of weapons, dangerous articles, alcohol, or illegal drugs while in school or at school functions.

We want the school to be a safe and comfortable place for everyone. The school will deal with actions by students or outsiders that threaten the security or peacefulness of our environment. Some behaviors we have “zero tolerance” for at RVS include:

  1. Making verbal threats or using physical violence.
  2. Being in possession of a weapon.
  3. Being under the influence or in possession of alcohol or drugs at school functions.
  4. Using profane or offensive language towards staff or students.
  5. Willful disobedience of school staff members.
  6. Causing a false fire alarm.
  7. Cheating on exams, tests, and assignments or involved in plagiarism.
  8. Being in possession of and/or igniting fireworks.
  9. Stealing or being involved in theft.

Consequences for these serious infractions will be severe and can include parental meeting, involvement of the RCMP, and withdrawal from RVS.