Semester 2
Registration for Semester 2 (2026)
Status: OPEN
Registration closes: February 13, 2026.
Note: Courses are based on enrollment and staffing. Sections may be added as required or moved to future sessions.
Course listing:
Course | Meeting Day / Start time / Location | Register now! |
Accounting 11 | RVS: Tuesday / 3:30 @ Palmer 116 | Register |
BC First Peoples (Social Studies) 12 | RVS: Wednesday / 3:30 @ Palmer 131 | Register |
Calculus 12 | RVS: Thr. / 4:30-5:40 @ Palmer 134 | Register |
Career Life Connections 12 (Online Only) | RVS: Online Only | Register |
Career Life Education 10 (Online Only) | RVS: Online Only | Register |
Chemistry 11 | RVS: Tuesday / 3:30 @ Palmer, 112 | Register |
Computer Programming 11/12 | RVS: Wed. / 3:30 @ Palmer, 116 | Register |
Cybersecurity 11/12 | RVS: Wed. / 3:30 @ Palmer, 116 | Register |
English 11: Literary Studies | RVS: Tuesday / 3:30 @ Palmer, 131 | Register |
English Studies 12 | RVS: Thursdays / 3:30 @ Palmer, 131 | Register |
English First Peoples 11 (Literary Studies & TBD) | RVS: TBD / 3:30 @ Palmer | Closed |
English First Peoples 12 | RVS: TBD / 3:30 @ Palmer | Closed |
Entrepreneurship 12 | RVS: Tuesdays / 3:30 @ Palmer, 116 | Register |
Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10 | RVS: Wednesday / 4:30-5:40 @ Palmer 134 | Register |
Foundations of Math 11 | RVS: Thr. / 3:30 Tutorial @ Palmer 114 | Register |
Foundations of Math 12 | RVS: Thr. / 3:30 Tutorial @ Palmer 114 | Register |
Life Science 11 (Biology) | RVS: Monday / 3:30 @ Palmer 112 | Register |
Mandarin Introductory 11 | RVS: Wednesday / 3:30 @ Palmer 114 | Register |
Mandarin 11 | RVS: Tuesday / 3:30 @ Palmer 114 | Register |
PE: Physical & Health Education 10 ** | RVS: Wednesday / 3:30 @ Palmer 116 | Register |
PE: Active Living 11-12 ** | RVS: Wednesday / 3:30 @ Palmer 116 | Register |
Physics 11 | RVS: Monday / 3:30 @ Palmer 113 | Register |
Physics 12 | RVS: Wednesday / 3:30 @ Palmer 113 | Register |
Pre-Calculus 11 | RVS: Wednesday / 3:20-4:30 @ Palmer 134 | Register |
Pre-Calculus 12 | RVS: Thr. / 3:20-4:30 @ Palmer 134 | Register |
Science for Citizens 11 | RVS partnership (contact RVS office) | TBD |
Workplace Math 11 | RVS partnership (contact RVS office) | TBD |
Courses at RVS are located in central Richmond within Palmer Secondary School. After school classes take from 3:30 - approx. 5:00 unless otherwise posted. Specific class room locations and times provided directly from teacher on course website. Course dates and times subject to change due to student course requests and staff availability.
** Students enrolled in these PE 10-12 will have mandatory course "start-up" meetings at Palmer on Wednesdays. Once students have established their PE plan mandatory meetings will become less frequent.
Waitlist: If a course is full you will receive a waitlist notification email. You will be contacted ASAP as space becomes available or sections are added as required.
Bold Courses = new course offering for this next year!
RVS Makerspace: includes opportunities using the Laser Cutter, CNC Machine, 3D Printers, VEX Robotics (competition options), Vinyl Circuit machines, industrial sewing machines and more!