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Blended Learning K-7

***Updated May 2024***

The Blended Learning program (RVSBL) hosted through Richmond Virtual School is available for Kindergarten to Grade 7 students. This program provides a flexible learning environment that blends online learning with in-person learning.  Incorporating an in-person learning component has been a pillar of the Richmond Virtual School since inception in 2007 and has contributed to the above provincial average student success rate. 

The RVS BL program will engage students in a combination of self-directed learning and teacher-supported instruction to meet the goals of their Student Learning Plan.  Students and the home facilitator (parent or guardian) will attend scheduled support meetings each week (using MS Teams or as otherwise arranged in person).  Students will complete/submit assignments as guided by the teacher using our Moodle platform.  Students will engage in self-directed learning with the support of their home facilitator and develop a portfolio of artifacts to demonstrate and support this learning. In-person learning events (eg. Science Fair, Portfolio Share, Community BBQ) or field trips will take place throughout the year (approx. 1-2 each month).  The in-person days will have a goal to provide connections and foster greater community between students and staff and enrich the at-home components of the program.  The in-person time may also be used to gather authentic assessment information. Interested students must submit an application to join the RVS BL program.  Once the application is submitted, RVS will contact the family to arrange an in-person interview.

As described above, Blended Learning is a partnership between home and school and the educational program is supervised by a BC certified teacher and follows Ministry of Education learning standards.  Homeschooling is described by the Ministry of Education here: homeschooling.  A comparison of classroom alternatives is provided by the Ministry of Education here: classroom alternatives.

*Please note: this program is not designed for students in the early stages of English Language Learning (completion of ELL 3 required), and/or students with complex communication and support needs, due to the program's online and individual learning environment.  

Blended Learning Model (2024-25)